easyTech8 consulting

Making technology easy for everyone!

Entertainment Services

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Technology is expanding rapidly providing new means for viewing TV and listening to music.  These new methods can save you a tremendous amount of money by eliminating cable, satellite, or having to purchase or rent movies or music.  Technology enables you to watch your favorite shows, movies, listen to music wherever you are whenever you want.  You don't have to find the remote anymore, just say what you want.  Our services help you through the technology jungle to understand the latest technology in entertainment and how to use it.  Not only is it better than what you currently have, it will save you a lot of money.


Entertainment Packages

Click on the button below to explore the details on some of our packaged solutions in Entertainment.  We have options for eliminating your cable bill, viewing at any place at any time, as well as music throughout your home.  If you can't find what your looking for, contact us and we can modify our services to meet your specific needs.

No More Cable Save $$$ - learn the latest technology in TV streaming to enable you to dispose of high priced cable or satellite TV and save you money.  Provides the set-up and training for TV streaming technology that best fits your TV watching habits.

Music Everywhere - This provides an overview and training in music apps and devices to enable music throughout your home.  Helps you in selecting what best meets your listening habits.  Provides for installation and set-up to get you started in music in multiple rooms controlled through voice, smart phone, tablet or laptop.

Home Television Viewing Experience - this takes the concept of Smart TV far beyond a single television set.  Provides training in Smart TV, voice controls, TV streaming, and wifi speakers.  Includes installation, set-up and instruction on how to enhance your total viewing experience.